Dear Friends, we have created this page for tributes to our dear friends that have died. If you have a special tribute to add to this page, please email it to me, Anne Pederson at
Nancy Horn
Nancy Horn had a five and one half year cancer battle. She was soft spoken and kind - a true delight to have as a member of our HOPE support group in Oklahoma City. She was my roommate at two spring retreats. She attended Camp-Mak-A-Dream in 2008. Her obituary included that she was a member of Job’s Daughters. This is a Masonic organization for girls age eleven to twenty; it is based on the story of Job in the Bible. Job went through adversity and lost all of his possessions and family. The Lord restored Job’s losses. Job had seven sons and three daughters. The Bible states “In all the land were found no women so beautiful as the daughters of Job….” Nancy continued to be a true Job’s daughter during her adult years. Donna Bacon
I enjoyed Nancy so much. She was a treasured friend, always calm and cheerful. She participated in all the events at the camp we attended and was a joy to all who she met. We are thankful to have known her and ane thankful she is free of pain and is at rest. Anne Pederson

Carol Ross
The Hope group lost another warm and lovely member this week. Carol wasn't able to attend many of our meetings but we all remember her and her daughter, Susan, fondly. As with all of the dear friends we have lost, we are grateful for the time we were able to spend with her and wish we could have known her under different circumstances. Rest in peace, Carol. Anne Pederson

Connie Covington
The Hope group was very sad to hear of the death of our good friend and former Co-President, Connie Covington. Connie became an ardent advocate for Ovarian Cancer Awareness and was in the process of getting an Ovarian Cancer Awareness tag approved by the legislature when she died. Connie served the group whereever she could, talking to women and distributing symptom cards, making bracelets, planning the 2010 Walk of Hope and in 2011 served as Co-President. You can also read her story under SURVIVOR STORIES. We will miss seeing her bright smile and optimistic attitude. I will miss her words of support and encouragement. Anne Pederson
I am sad for her family. Connie was a wonderful person and a great neighbor to me. Kathy Warner
She will be greatly missed!! Kari Baker
Such a lady. Her participation and presencewith our HOPE group has been greatly missed. Donna Jones

Beverly Limestall
Beverly Limestall was a lovely lady and member of our group. She was not able to attend many of our meetings but many of us would see her in the chemo room and she always had a hug and a smile for us. She always kept an optimistic attitude and when asked how she was, it was always, "better". We will miss her. Anne Pederson
It was a joy to have Beverly as an active member of our group for a short time in 2007. I remember Beverly and her mother, Bertha, bringing escalloped potatoes to the brunch we had in November. It was a real treat to have a hot item along with all the cold food items we had. Then, I remember what they brought to the Christmas party because I was fortunate to be the one who got to keep a lovely necklace. As the years passed, we missed them when Beverly and/or her mother were unable to attend meetings. Our members who saw them in the chemo room always commented on Beverly’s positive spirit. Donna Bacon
Beverly was such a sweet, caring, supportive woman. She maintained such a positive outlook and never complained about her many complications associated with her cancer treatment. Her mother, Bertha, was her caregiver. You could never meet a more dedicated mother/daughter team. Beverly is missed so very much. Marilyn Dewey

Cynthia Van Curen
A mutual friend of Cynthia and mine gave me her name and said that we needed her in our HOPE group. She joined and did become a beneficial member in our group. She wanted to participate in all the activities of HOPE. She was diagnosed with stage IV ovarian cancer one month after me in December 2004. I was diagnosed with stage II and had 27 chemo treatments and was finished after 9 months.. We must have been in the infusion room at the same time, but did not meet each other. I have often wondered how anyone could tolerate treatments for nearly 7 years as did Cynthia. What a fighting spirit she had!!! We will miss her...............Donna Bacon
Cynthia was a very special lady. At every meeting when we would introduce ourselves and give a short update on our status, she would always tell about her current treatment and then add, "But I'm still kicking!" She told us once that she kept coming to the meetings because she felt that there were ladies out there that needed to see her and benefit from her presence. I always agreed with that, we needed her and we needed her spirit. She brought her own special brand of humor and would blurt out things that broke the ice, melted our hearts and made us laugh. She enjoyed everything relating to HOPE and especially loved the retreats. We will miss her more that she could ever know.....Anne Pederson
Everyone who knew Cynthia has fond memories of her. She was such a happy, up beat person and never complained no matter how badly she was feeling. She was a woman of bravery and determination. She will be missed!..........Marilyn Dewey
I remember Cynthia as always having a smile on her face. She had a great sense of humor and could always make us laugh. I was so saddened to hear this news. Why do these things have to happen. Such a wonderful lady................Carol Ross
Susan Claeys
I was born in Cincinnatiand lived in two small, nearby towns until I was 21. --finished undergraduate school at the Univ. or Cincinnati College Conservatory of Music with a Bachelor of Music degree, concentration in Violin and Music Ed.and received a Masters Degree in Music Therapy from KU. I have loved being a music therapist all these years! I have been wonderfully married to Marvin for 24 years.Marvin was a widower with three daughters, whom I adopted. We had a fourth daughter, and now also have two sons-in-law and two grandchildren; one in Texas and the other in NC.
We have been in Norman for nearly 12 years, which is the longest I have ever been in one town or one house. We are about halfway between our family in Texas and my mother, 89,in Lawrence, Kansas. Ilove Norman and imagine we will stay here for the rest of our lives. I am a member of McFarlin Methodist Church in Norman.
My hobbieshave includedhorses, cats, gardening, traveling, volunteer work, and fundraising.I am probably the most proud of serving on the board that established a National Certification process for Music Therapists.
I currently live with Marvin and our ten year old diabetic cat, Priscilla.I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in March, 2006, had surgery, chemo, and a ten month remission, and have been back in treatment since around August of 2007.The HOPE women have become an important part of my life, and I am deeply thankful for the friendship, support, and love that we share. It is a joy and an inspiration to get to know each other better!
Susan was such a wonderful friend and mentor. Her absence will leave a void in my life and a hole in my heart. I am certainly a better person for having known her. Marilyn Dewey
I am so glad that I got to share in this wonderful woman's life.
Susan was a giant and a blessing to me. God smiled down on her and she now rests his arms. Rochelle Converse
Susan was in inspiration to all of us. She helped plan our 2010 Spring Retreat and was enthusiastic and untiring in seeing to every detail. She was a wonderful friend and we will all miss her. Anne Pederson
Susan and I joined the HOPE support group at the same time. From an early age, we both had a lifelong passion for music. And Susan and I had a "love" for purses. I always checked to see the purse she was carrying. I will remember Susan as one who would pray. At one of our 2008 HOPE meetings, we knew that time on earth would be short for one of our members. Susan asked if she could voice a prayer for her. After her visit to the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte NC this summer, she gave HOPE members a card with The Salvation Poem on it. We will miss Susan. Donna Bacon
Florence Mubichi

As most of you know Florence returned to her home in Kaaga, Meru, Kenya, a few weeks ago seriously ill. After about 3 weeks of a remarkable time in which she rallied to walk in her gardens, watch the sunset from her veranda with her husband, share her life story on tape with her daughters and be her 2 year old grand-daughter's favorite 'patient', she declined rapidly over the last 3 days. She had her final home going about 1:30pm, Kenya time (6:30 am in Oklahoma). She leaves behind a family grateful for that last time of closeness and love, who miss her more than words can say, and a multitude of friends across the world. All of us who knew her will remember a woman whose Christian focus and commitment to mission never faltered. To most of you at some point she has said, "God is good all the time, all the time God is good",and "Come and visit me in Kenya and see what wonderful work God is doing in my country". A memorial for Florence is being planned at Nichols Hills UMC, OKC, on Thurs, March 25, 2010 at 1:00 p.m. Florence’s funeral in Kenya will be March 23rd.
I was on Skype continuously with the family during Flo's last hours. The girls said they needed their "other mother" (me) so just we just kept the computer internet line open and I kept the computer on mylap. They would come back and forth from her room and talk to me until the doctor finally came. I got off the line then but just a few minutes later I got the message, "we just lost mum." Of course I opened up Skype again and talked to all 3 of the family. Things went as they should have. She was in her own bed, the family all there, the doctor and a senior nurse she worked with for years there, a close personal friend of Stephens' from CA (who was there with a work team) was there, and the head of the extended family, the retired Bishop Lawi Imathiu was there. it could not have been more of exactly what Florence would want except I was not there...however, I was there in spirit and on Skype. (Something in favor of technology.
I will miss my siser Florence forever but I will also always honor and salute who she was and what she did. Love, Mattie Tolley
Florence touched our lives in so many positive ways: as teacher, scholar, friend, and more. Her influence was far-reaching. Her legacy is the work of the students she so warming mentored and, of course, the efforts in Kenya through the foundation. Jennifer McCarthy
Florence was such a sweet precious lady that we knew for much too short of time. Bless her and her wonderful family. Marilyn Dewey
Pat Rogge

Although Pat didn't come to support meetings, I got acquainted with her at the 2008 Spring Retreat. After I started visiting the chemo room a couple of times a week I got to know her better. She was such a sweet lady, and she was so proud of her little granddaughter, River. She is gone much too soon. Marilyn Dewey
I recall meeting Pat Rogge only once. That was at the 2008 spring retreat. We each shared our stories.Most of us had mutiple problems that we shared. Then we had the option of writing encouraging notes to each other. Pat wrote this to me:Dear Donna, What an inspiring Spirit you are! I will continue to lift you up in prayer. Thank you for sharing. Love, Pat I would say the same about Pat as she said about me: Pat, what an inspiring Spirit you are! I pray for your family.May God give them sustaining grace until they are reunited with you. Donna Bacon.
Linda Spears

Linda Spears will be remembered for her beautiful eyes and infectious smile. Although she was never in remission, she never complained about her illness. She was always willing to help with HOPE projects. She was such a good friend. I will miss her so very much. - Marilyn Dewey
Linda was a lovely lady and was a good friend to all her HOPE sisters. She suffered so much in the short time we knew her. Losing both of her parents and breaking her foot in addition to chemo treatments would have been enough for anyone but Linda remained cheerful all the time. Her biggest concern was for her animals. We were so blessed to know her. –Anne Pederson
Linda Wallace

In May 2007 I received a call from my sister in Syracuse, NY. She said that a friend had been diagnosed with breast cancer and then ovarian cancer. Since I am a cancer survivor, Margaret wanted me to call Linda. The day after Linda's debulking surgery, I spent 12 hours at the hospital with her.After her return home I spent several days and nights with her. Linda and I became close friends. She was a wonderful mentor, and if she had been well, she would have loved to serve on the HOPE board.
Linda was an extremely intelligent and well-informed person.She was her own health advocate and did an excellent job of managing the many decisions in her healthcare. Linda has left this earth in better shape than she found it. She set an example for all of us on how to be our own health advocate. She was such a good mentor and a wonderful friend.She will be missed. -Marilyn Dewey
I was happy to be able to visit with Linda Wallace in the hospital at Presbyterian and spent more time with her at the Specialty Hospital in Norman. She was so realistic about her situation, never complaining. After she went home, I wasn’t able to visit her but was always happy to read the emails that she forwarded even in her final days, some humorous, some thought provoking and always interesting. I will miss her. -Anne Pederson
Kate Edlin

Such a shock. I remember the last time I saw her was at Mistletoe Market and the big smile she had on her face. My God be with her and her family. Carol Ross
I, too, was in shock when I read last night of Kate's passing. Since I notice purses, most of the time I would check out the purse that she was carrying. And then I will remember how cute she looked when she tried on the expense wig in LOOK GOOD, FEELBETTER class which we attended together. I wondered who is going to be the cashier at our "Walk"
I tend to think in terms of the lyrics of gospel songs. I would like to share with you the lyrics to the last verse of THE EAGLE SONG based on Isaiah 40:31. The writer is Violet Treece who had a 15 year journey with cancer which started as ovarian.
For one day soon I'll take a flight
For above this world below
And when I hear that trumpet sound
I'll be ready to go
I'll drop my weights and then I'll rise
For all this world to see
That I don't need the wings of an eagle
When He sets my spirit free.
Kate has heard that trumpet sound.
Donna Bacon
So sorry about Kate. Am praying for her friends and family.
Nancy Horn
I repeatedly have been told that chemo drugs are hard on our hearts, and I'm certain she knew it, also, but we get so focused on cancer we forget about other things.It is some comfort to know she passed away quickly, but she still felt so full of life!I actually was thinking about her a couple days ago, and laughing.I was thinking about Christmas presents andrememberedher boldness at the retreat in discussing the products she sold and the parties where she sold them! I will miss her and her fun approach to so many things.
God, please be with Kate's family and close friends, and keep them mindful that you are a sovereign and loving God. Amen
Susan Claeys
It’s hard to believe that Kate is no longer with us. We first met Kate at a HOPE NIGHT OUT. She had heard about HOPE from JoAnn Rader, her former Sunday School teacher and has been such a big part of HOPE since. She participated in every activity, helped plan the parties and retreats, made bracelets and took in donations at the HOPE Walks. We got accustomed to seeing her broad smile and enjoyed her little witticisms. She was a precious friend and we will miss her.
Anne Pederson
Dear, dear Kate! She was such a sweet, loving person. We know she's with Jesus now so we have to take that as much consolation as we can. Linda Wallace
I treasure the special quiet time/talk Kate and I had at the 2009 Spring Retreat at the Montford Inn, Norman, OK.She shared her heart so well and that’s what I loved about Kate.She was never one to hold back her true feelings and so authentic in her thoughts and who she was. That is a gift Kate leaves with all of us.
Paula Nevius
Ann Tole
Ann Tole was born and raised near Cambridge, England and moved to the United States in her late teens after she married. While living in the United States and raising her family, she was involved in a variety of social and community clubs and groups. She was an avid golfer and pilot and traveled extensively in the U.S.
Ann moved back to England over 20 years ago when she remarried. She lived near Oxford in England with her husband, Walter and also had another home in Oklahoma City where she raised her four daughters.
Four years ago Ann was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer, stage IIIC. She went back and forth between her home in England and Oklahoma City for the next four years. During that time she attended HOPE meetings whenever she was in town. Ann was lovely lady and we will certainly miss her.
Anna Cesario

Anna was a treasured member of HOPE. She joined us four our five years ago and became everyone's "daughter" or "younger sister". Many of us attended her bridal shower and her wedding to Jonathan. We heard her stories of flying to MD for her treatments and this past spring heard about their new home. Anna never complained and always had that wonderful smile. We will truly miss her and our hearts to out to Jonathan, her Mom, Sandra and the rest of her family. Anne Pederson
Patty Kiser
I am also very sad to hear this news. I've been friends with Patty for quite some time - we went to church together, and were diagnosed about the same time. I actually became involved with HOPE in support of her. Patty's gentle spirit and peacefulness was such a wonderful testimony of her unwavering faith. She fought hard - I remember talking with her a couple of years ago when it first became apparent she would be fighting cancer to the end. I shared with her how much of a difference she has made in so many lives through her strong faith, even in the middle of this painful time. We both hoped and prayed for a cure, but she said with such conviction, "I know either way that I'm going to be healed." I will miss her terribly, but glad to know she is no longer in pain, enjoying a perfect, healed body. Her legacy lives on...I'm sitting in a cancer research lab as I type this; I'm getting to be part of a team investigating a possible preventative and therapeutic agent for the future. I needed to study up on cell biology, and actually have a textbook I borrowed from her sitting on the desk beside me. I feel such a burden to carry the torch for Patty, all of you, and so many other warriors hoping for the next breakthrough. Keep fighting girls! Sandi Troup
I pray that she stepped through a doorway into the Heaven of understanding, tranquility, and complete peace which she so richly deserved. I cannot think of anyone who had more faith or who was more deserving and in need of God's eternal love. Susan Claeys
Patty was a good friend and a delightful member of our group. Her enthusiasm and optimism were contagious. I have many wonderful memories of her at our Spring Retreats and at our time at Camp in Montana. We will all miss her terribly. Anne Pederson
Marilyn Lindsay

Marilyn was such an enthusiastic participant in life. She always had something witty and intelligent to say at our HOPE meetings. She was so much fun at camp in Montana. Though I did not know her long or well, I am grateful for the time I was able to be around her. My sincere condolences to the family. Nancy Horn

For those of you who did not get to know Kathy, I would like to share a bit. My early memories were that she was proud of the fact that she kept much of her treatment in her own control, and equally proud of her career as a teacher. She research everything she was told to do and then would decide whether to take the advice or not. She always made me smile in meetings. It was not until later, however, that I understood her fierce determination to live as long and as well as possible. I saw her once in the Physicians Building only a day or two after she was released from the hospital and had been really ill for many days. She was thin but standing tall, proudly displaying every one of her many inches, topped off by her bright red hair. You could always spot Kathy from a distance. She was beautifully dressed that day, even though she was weak. I told her she was as elegant as always. I have very much missed having her a the meetings and have suffered in my heart over her long battle. May God bless her now and forever. Susan Claeys
Kathy was very much a part of HOPE. I remember Kathy volunteering to write cards of encouragement to others when Nancy Murphy and Barbara Scheirman were no longer able to continue their Outreach efforts for HOPE. Kathy did this very well. Her continual outreach to others shows how much she put others before herself. My heart aches at the loss of this beautiful woman, this very precious Butterfly. We bunked together at camp a few years ago. We talked til hours in the night before we drifted off to sleep. We giggled and were even told to “go to sleep”. That is a precious memory to me. Paula Nevius
I'm so very sorry to hear of Kathy Brown's passing. I remember her well because as you mentioned Kathy, she was in our cabin the first year she attended camp. We had lots of conversations. I believe she was in remission at the time, but reoccurred not too long after camp (if I remember correctly). She was such an interesting person, so full of vitality and passion for life. So sad to hear she's gone. I will send a card to her husband and family - today. Sandy Lightfoot
Hello, Sister Geese,
I had a bunk
opposite Kathy the first year she arrived at Camp Mak-A-Dream. What I remember fondly is
seeing all her freshly ironed blouses, neatly placed on hangers, lined
up in a row. She and I used to talk about teaching and what we loved
about it. She was a beautiful, wonderful lady an we mourn her death. Kathy Biesheuvel
Kathy was very special to me from the first time I met her at the Spring Retreat in 2004. I loved her sense of humor and her "take charge of her own treatment" gave me courage to be more involved in my own treatment. She dearly loved HOPE and was always concerned about the ladies after she was unable to attend the meetings. We will really miss her. Anne Pederson
Kathy fought a long hard battle and is now at rest. She will be missed! Marilyn Dewey
Laura Cross passed away in August, 2008. This was her story, written before the HOPE Walk in 2007. Laura was an exceptional lady and a wonderful member, friend and advocate. We miss her.

Blessings to All,
Laura, Honey, Mom, Granny, Sister, Cancer Survivor and Laura L. Cross, JD, MS, RN are all names to which I answer. I am blessed with a wonderful, supportive husband, Jim, and together we have 3 children, six grandchildren and a grand angel. In addition, my parents (who have been married 67 years) live nearby at Spanish Cove. They along with my sister in Florida, our church and Marriage Encounter friends and my law partner are a great support system.
We started this journey with Ovarian Cancer in late May 2004. Within 10 days of my first noticeable symptom, I was scheduled for the typical radical debulking. Like many of you, from surgery, I was diagnosed with Stage IIIC Epithelial Ovarian Cancer. I entered GOG study 9917 and received 8 rounds of IP Carbolplatin and IV Taxol. With this regimen, I hoped to remain “cancer free”, but in February of 2006 I was diagnosed with an early recurrence and elected to take 6 rounds of day 1 IP Cisplatin and IV Taxol – day 8 IP Cisplatin.
I continue to enjoy working as a nurse-attorney. I have the most loyal and supportive clients it has been hard to even cut back. We have made an effort to take more trips (this past year to New Mexico, Florida, Texas, Hawaii, and Mexico) as well as to spend time with our 6 wonderful grandchildren. When I have down time, I enjoy gardening and reading novels. My disease progression the last 6 months has really cut back my ability to practice law and of course I am currently receiving a monoclonal antibody, Volociximab, in a phase II clinical trial.
Since diagnosed, I have also put as much energy as I could muster into the support of others with GYN Cancers and promoting awareness of ovarian cancer through HOPE in Oklahoma. What a blessing it has been to Jim and me to work with so many wonderful men and women in this effort! I have had the opportunity to raise awareness to thousands of nurses, physicians and other healthcare providers, so that perhaps women who experience the vague symptoms of early ovarian cancer may be diagnosed earlier! We still have much work to do. Together we will KOKO!
Carolyn Alba, Carolyn Ach, Mary Ruth Alexander, Betty Lou Baker, Mary Barringer, Jerry Bohannon, Fran Bolin, Christine Boren, Rebecca Bottoms, Loni Bouska, Kathy Brown, Peggy Bryant, Kathleen Buchanan, Marilyn Buzbee, Lori Carter, Anna Kilgore Cesario, Cindy Clark, Susan Claeys, Connie CovingtonLaura Cross, Barbara Crowder, Cynthia Crysel, Betty Jo Denton, Diane Dicken, Rosie Duncan, Wendy Duncan, Kate Edlin, Gail Fisher, Kathy Fowler, Erica Freeman, Violet Friday, Carol Gilliland, Karen Gilliland, Fern Gough, Nona Gravlin, Becky Griffin, Kathy Hall, Marilyn Hargis, Joann Hicks, Joyce Hicks, Diane Holt-Reynolds, Shirley Hull, Margaret James, Donna Keller, Stephanie King, Patty Kiser, Peggy Kenney, Mary Ann Knoll, Brenda Land, Elaine Leech, Beverly Limestall, Marilyn Lindsay, Melissa Loffland, Vanita Long, T.S. Long, Patty Lutz, Judy Lyde, Lanell Mace, Mary Maher, Maida Maxwell, Judith McNaughton, Shirley McWhorter, Shirley Messner, Helen Meyer, Cheryl Moffet, Carol Moore, Rita Moss, Dena Moutray, Forence Mubichi, Karolyne Murdock, Nancy Murphy, Sherry Newell, Patricia Palmer, JoAnn Rader, Mary Reed, Peggy Richardson, Ann Rippy, Kathy Robinson, Patricia Rogge, Catherine Roff, Carol Ross, Maria Elena Ruffin, Barbara Scheirman, B.J. Schultz, Carol Selman, Toni Sims, Jacquye Smyers, Betsy Spaeth, Linda Spears, Lois Spears, Janie Speck, Martha Steinhebel, Teddi Stanko, Penny Sturgis, Nora Stringham, Kathleen Sullivan, Dana Tagge, Myrna Thomas, Ann Tole, Treva Trent, Cynthia Van Curen, Ervalene Walcott, Linda Wallace, Betty Wallilngford, Debbie Wells, JoAnn Weatherford, Jean West, Elizabeth White, Johnnie Will, Ellie Wilson, Kit Winkler, Mary Jane Winkler, Donna Wright.